

The Sim Realty 新推出的版圖 Monarch Bay,是一幅大面積的版圖,版圖內已建各個商業或公共設施 ( 不過沒有自助洗衣店跟打發時間的酒吧/水果汁吧 )。這裡預留了三幅 64 x 64 的空地給玩家以作傳奇之用,三幅地分別坐落於三個不同風格的地段,而且這版圖預留了多幅土地以給之後的資料片加入新的公共設施,所以是一幅有後續改建性的新版圖。


This beautiful world is more spread out but compact at the same time.  There is a large downtown area with housing and several community lots that have been built on but are empty and reserved for future EPs.  There are several different sections and neighborhoods to this world: farming districts, residential, Park Avenue Mansions, some log cabins and a trailer park by the railroad tracks.  Overall the space in this world is quite large while keeping a cozy feel and not being too spread out. 

Sims 3 Base Game + World Adventures + Ambitions + Riverview
Size of World: Large size map and world
Specialty: Large downtown center and several different sections and neighborhoods to choose from!

Community Lot Details
World Includes:  All rabbit holes, pool, public library, art gallery, cemetary, gym, several parks, beaches, salon, consignment shop, fire station,
and fishing spots.  There are several open community lots reserved for future EPs.  This world also has 3 lots for the legacy challenge.  A save file will be uploaded shortly after play testing is complete.

Residential Lot Details
Empty Lots: 19 residential lots, 13 community lots, 4 built but empty community lots
Filled Residential Lots: 49 houses

這個版圖的下載網頁在此 <LINK> 有興趣的朋友可以下載來玩玩喔。

    創作者 妮可喵(A-Miu) 的頭像

    NekoSIMs - 妮可喵的模三世界

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